I was reading facebook again... needing to go home from a long day of work... and found this cool quote on the facebook page of my teaching partner, Amber, in Cambodia. I don't know who this person is... I don't know if this quote is legit. I don't have time to google. But I wanted to put it somewhere. 'Cause it is timely. I am not a pacifist. But I do think we need to pause and question violence as a means to an end much more than we seem to do now, as a society. I don't have time to process it. I just wanted to document it.
Here is the quote:"... peace by way of war is like purity by way of fornication... it's like telling someone murder is wrong and then showing them by way of execution... when justice is bought and sold just like weapons of war the ones who always pay are the poorest of the poor..."-Derek Webb
# posted by ErinW @ 7:31 PM