Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Some Random Pictures in Cambodia
Starting from the top left...
Our Team walking through the wat made famous by the movie Tomb Raider
The girls on our Team in front of Angkor Wat
A "casual" picture of our team inside of Angkor Wat
Our Team at lunch at the FCC in Phnom Penh

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Home in California
So after the worst travel day in recorded history (well, my travel history, anyways)... I am home. I got in last night at 11:30pm. I can now drink water from the tap. Brush my teeth without needing bottled water. Shower without spitting out water (you can't swallow the water in Cambodia even a little bit). I don't need to coat myself in DEET (by the way, I didn't get any more bug bites while I travelled and at this point I seem to be healthy and free of Dengue Fever - Praise GOD). I blew dry my hair and put on make-up for the first time in almost a month (without sweating while I got ready). I had cereal with real milk for breakfast. I got in my air conditioned car to get coffee. When I was in line to get coffee the line was straight and no one cut in front of me (do you know anything about how people in Asian countries line up?... it is a free for all... get-to-the-front however-you-can kind of world there!)... when I walked out of the coffee shop noone solicited me for a tuk-tuk ride... and I didn't need to barter to get anything today... and while getting my coffee a woman was talking to her pampered pooch (who was wearing a doggy outfit) like it was human and understood her... which was just unsettling on many levels and had the realiziation that: I am no longer in Thailand or Cambodia. I am home. Glad to be home. But hoping I am not the same as when I left. We shall see... we shall see...
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