Saturday, October 22, 2005


Week 4 Resources

The Corporation : The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power
by Joel Bakan
ISBN: 0743247469
The modern corporation, according to law professor Joel Bakan, is "singularly self-interested and unable to feel genuine concern for others in any context." (p. 56) He concludes that the corporation is a "pathological" entity. Also made into a movie.
Gangs of America: The Rise of Corporate Power and the Disabling of Democracy
by Ted Nace
ISBN: 1576752607
"Gangs of America" stakes out the historical origins of the status of the modern corporation as a preferential legal entity enjoying rights and freedoms superior to that of the individual.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
by John Perkins
ISBN: 1576753018Americans should be aware of how our nations powerful influence and economy is being misused and misdirected to undermine and hinder the development of nations around the world.
Shapeshifting: Shamanic Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation
by John Perkins
ISBN: 0892816635
John Perkins' wonderful shapeshifting brings great insight for an industrial civilization consuming and polluting itself toward catastrophe.

CCD Position Paper No. Four
Rich and Poor: Socioeconomic Inequality in these United States
by Lowell Noble
Found On John M. Perkin's Foundation website (go to download articles and click on title)

Website devoted to studying US poverty from University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Website called The Finance Project which focuses on welfare reform and helping low-income and the working poor.

Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego and the Death of Enron
by Robert Bryce
Description of book: "Along the way, Austin Chronicle reporter Bryce reveals the political history of "The Crooked E" with its ties to the Bush family and Senator Phil Gramm, who, without shame, sponsored legislation that directly benefited Enron and allowed the company to conceal its debts. All of the high-level players at Enron are profiled, and you get an excellent sense of their personalities and plenty of gossip about the sexual infidelities that ran rampant with this group of executives. Most importantly, Bryce unveils the intricate accounting schemes that allowed Enron to switch from a healthy cash flow business into one that put all its emphasis on trading revenues while ignoring the massive expenses that would ultimately pull the company into bankruptcy. Bryce's account is a prime example of how greed, arrogance, and influence lead to corruption, deception, and ruin. "

Michael Moore's website. I know many people think he is a bit obnoxious and extremist. However, I watched Bowling for Columbine this past week and he has some interesting insight into the economic issues often behind acts of violenc.

A corporate watch website called Corpwatch. They had several helpful links and articles.

Friday, October 21, 2005


How Not to Hinder God

Devotional Moment from Episcopal Priest Barbara Brown Taylor. She is giving a sermon on the place in Acts where Peter has just had some pretty crazy dreams concerning his long held belief about the sanctity of the Jewish dietary laws:

Acts 10: 34-35.
"Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.'"

"I wish there were some way we could understand how important dietary law has been to the people of Israel... imagine anything that, for you, is the dividing line between Christians and other people - the one thing that makes us who we are, that is not negotiable, that we cannot let slide without letting slide our whole identity as the people of God. And when you have figured out what that is, get ready to LET IT GO, because that is what Peter did. He had to. God gave him a vision that changed everything he had ever believed about who he was and how he was supposed to live." (excerpt from Bread of Angels)



My Mom is Home

Update that my mom is home from the hospital. She will begin extensive heart rehab but otherwise all looks well. Thanks for you many prayers and concerns for our family.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Update on Mom

Thanks for your prayers! Today my mom had an angiogram. They determined that last Thursday she had a heart attack which lead to her stroke. The amazing thing is that the medicine the doctors used to treat her stroke actually helped her heart. However, there was heart damage and so she will go into heart rehab again. But I am really thankful that all has turned out this well. She is reading and sitting up in a chair. This is good news!!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Update on my mom

This weekend she was taken out of the critical care unit (where she went after her stroke and the initial agressive treatment on Thursday night) and is now in a regular room at the hospital which is a good sign of her recovery. On monday she will have to have both an MRI, so they can see the extent of what the stroke did to her brain, and also an unexpected angio-plasti (she has had heart issues before), they are doing it as a precaution. Pray that all turns out well.

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