Saturday, October 01, 2005
hello bunnies
A little more about my life. Each day I wake up and the first thing I have to do is give my two bunnies their raisin treats. They have really become quite desperate for them. I have two bunnies. One is a boy named "Spike" and the other is a girl named "Willow"... unfortunately I cannot make them be friends but we all seem to do alright. Spike I bought at a pet store and Willow I rescued from neighbors who moved a few blocks from here. I found her last Easter walking to church. She was much abused but is still the sweetest bun ever! She enjoys timothy hay and destroying old books. Spike is quite opinionated and bossy. He enjoys chewing anything and resting inside his huge cardboard ring... it is the cutest sight ever. His head sticks out the front and his bum sticks out the back. I am a sucker for animals. I love nearly all animals. However, I can't quite bring myself to be a vegetarian.
# posted by ErinW @ 11:45 AM
Friday, September 30, 2005
no more "must see TV" on Thursday nights
I know this is silly. But I miss must see TV on Thursday nights. Alias was a stink bomb of a season opener and a poor choice moving it to Thursday nights. Will & Grace was funny but being a "live" season opener show made the lighting, sound and camera angles that of a B-rated soap opera. It made me sad. It also made me realize how old I am getting. I am starting to wish for the 90's again! Oh... those were the days... when MTV actually showed music videos and Chris Farley was still making us laugh on SNL. Wow. Where has the time gone?
# posted by ErinW @ 11:33 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2005
My first blog
I am tired because I was up late reading and don't have a lot to say. Despite being uninteresting I thought I would still try and get my first blog out of the way. There. It is done. Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore...
# posted by ErinW @ 9:45 AM

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