Thursday, October 02, 2008


The symbolic beauty of shoes

This picture was taken by my friend at an orphanage in Cambodia. I think it captures the curiousity of that adorable toddler along with the practice of taking off shoes before entering homes and other places.
But what struck me was that each of these shoes represent a person loved by God. I think it is funny that the little boy is trying on shoes too big for his feet, that is also symbolic, don't you think?
Each time I went anywhere when I was in Cambodia I had to take off my shoes... and then there they were. Left with a pile of shoes at the door way of each house or business. Did my shoes represent me well? Whenever I saw a large pile of shoes I often wondered whose they were... and what kind of life they represented. Often they looked well used and well worn from tireless travel... and a life well lived.

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