Sunday, July 13, 2008


A bug repellent shirt?

So as my trip to Cambodia/Thailand approaches... I am beginning to think of what bring. I can't bring perfume (it attracts mosquitos), I have to bring clothes that are cool but still "cover me" (for teaching and to be respectful when entering temples/wats)... and I find myself looking at travel clothing... and I came across these "bug repellent shirts"... I mean they are UGLY... certifiable... but would I consider buying one to escape the dreaded Denghu fever? Should I get Deet and at what percentage? - REI just overwhelms me with their supply of bug spray... and what about "Skin so Soft" from Avon... will that be strong enough to fend of Asian mosquitos... these are the strange things I am pondering these days. Never thought I would think about this stuff... Hm.

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